Working on the project posted previously, really helped wet my appetite for further movie poster madness. But with a slight difference. This time I wanted to work with established films to see if I can ‘re-imagine’ them in an interestingly minimal and contemporary way, much in the same vain as Criterion collection DVD covers, and world cinema titles by  Artificial Eye and Tartan. You can see this kind of thing all over the web these days, it’s not too original but I wanted to do my version of this shindig just for fun which is why I tried to churn out a few real quick. BAM BAM BAM! That kind of thing. They were all made by just screen-grabbing the DVD at the right moments, and then some cut and paste magic was provided. It was fun to set these little challenges, they were like little design problems that had to be solved. Some were finished really quickly, others not so fast. But it keeps the skills fresh and prevents rust! I may do a few more soon, but I think a project like this could run and run and…………….